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The Fuller Society publishes a newsletter three times during the year;
March, July and November to keep members informed of the society's activities.

The current newsletter is posted on the password protected Member page.
If you are a current member and need the sign on information, please send an email to Deb at FullerSociety@aol.com. 
If you would like to help us save postage expenses and wish to obtain color newsletters from the website only, please let me know in the email.
Deb Yingst
Newsletter Editor

Clipart of a newspaper; Size=234 pixels wide

The Fuller Society Newsletter



2015 Annual Meeting Minutes
2015 1st Place Scholarship Essay
Exciting News for descendants of Mary Rowley! 

If you are a Fuller Society member, please click on the "Members" tab to access this year's newsletters. The email address and password is the same for all members and can be found in your newsletter. If you need this information, please email the Society.

If you have an article, story or family news
that you would like to share in a newsletter,
please send an email.