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Funds received for CDs will be placed
in the John F. Hoffman Research Fund
and used for research projects as
approved by the Board of Assistants.
Do you think that you might be a descendant of Edward or Samuel Fuller?
Did a relative tell you that your ancestors came to America on the Mayflower?
The Fuller Society maintains a database of Edward and Samuel Fuller geneological data submitted by our members.

******The lineage information contained in the database may not be accepted by the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and is not proof of lineal descent from a Mayflower passenger*******************
 CDs are available for purchase from the Society Historian.
The CDs are available with either Edward or Dr. Samuel descendant lineages. The cost of each CD is $15.00.
Send your check, payable to "The Fuller Society", to the Historian: 
Deb Yingst
PO Box 531
Boiling Springs PA 17007